Discover & Share Your Gift With The World
“We ALL have an effortless Gift to share with the world. All life has a contribution to the Whole. Our culture teaches us to look outside of ourselves. We often overlook our fundamental Essential Nature, beauty, strength and worth. Some of us even feel our unique contribution is weird and meaningless... But your Gift holds conscious self-aware Intelligence, it knows otherwise and can guide you.”
- Cass Phelps

New 12-Week Series
October 6th, 2024
Sundays 10am-12:30pm PT
Each Zoom Session is recorded LIVE with a calibrated group, available for streaming and download.
Work at your own pace!
This LIVE series is $1100
To apply This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This new 12-week series is Phase III of The Gift Process. Join a coherent, vetted, and selectively chosen group of fellow Gifters devoted to knowing and embodying their unique gift in the world.
“Your GIFT is self-aware and knows its potential. It knows the steps to take to come into the ideal and inspired form for you to succeed in sharing and realize your potential. That is what your GIFT is for. But for you to KNOW, you must receive it for yourself first. This is a deeply internal and biological process.”
This series will focus on strengthening and anchoring into your Gift as your guiding intelligence. Imagine each step of bringing your offerings to the world being clearly guided by the Higher Intelligence of your Gift! Cass has successfully lived this way for 20 years and helped many people become highly successful in our world by sharing their unique gift without sacrificing their personal integrity.
Come from OverFlow...
This program is a resource for learning how to live your life, and share your GIFT from the effortless flow of creation. Learn how to:
share coherenctly
become self-sustaining
avoiding burn-out
staying grounded and balanced in your power
The Gift Process offers a way to answer the often elusive questions, "WHAT is my gift?" and "HOW do I OWN it and share it?" You learn fundamental teachings and the clear easy step-by-step practice for feeding from and honoring your own innate value and WORTH.
12 Weeks Together!
- The structure of the 3-month Program offers Phase II of the Gift Process. We meet once a week, Sunday from 10-12am PT (2-hours in length per session). Offering a total of 24 hours of LIVE dedicated workshop time together, working with Your Gift.
- We come together in a calibrated group by Zoom where Cass lays out the premise and focus of the week; we work with Q & A then go into a guided Deep Dive (meditation). Each session will have a specific focus. Out of this comes discoveries and insights we then work with and learn how to bridge into our lives with assigned HomePlay for that week.
- After each 2 hr offical session completes we move into (optinal) Q&A Process work.
- Optional mid-week breakout sessions usually arise and are included. These optional sessions or extra offerings Cass will initiate based on what he can sense the group process is needing, to make sure everyone is met where they are in their process. They can be verbal processing sessions, extra Dives, and working with specific subjects, inluding the projects you are building.
- In this series not only do we work with Recieving and Owning our innate Gifts, we also resolve limiting cultural and familial conditioning and beliefs, while understanding & facing our fears and concerns; The fear of being seen, the fear of failure, the fear of the unknown, etc. *Safely facing and working through our fears, limiting patterns, and beliefs, by learning to Resource our Gift is what can bring your Gift out of chaos into effortless Self-Realization.
- You learn how to use resistance (in any form) as fuel for transformation.
Starts Sundays
October 6th
10am-12:30pm PT (2hr sessions)
To apply This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Each Live Zoom Session is recorded and available for playback and download.
The 3 Phases to realize your Gift & share it with the World
Discover Nourish Share Complete
DISCOVER — Claim your Gift. This 12 Session VIDEO Serires is Self-Paced based on your Gifts development. Understand the effortless path of Inspiration that lays before you. All life has an innate gift. It is the law of nature. Discovering and sharing our gift is an effortless process when you know-how. Our culture tells us that we are not enough and to look outside of ourselves to become whole. But your innate being knows better and your Gift is ready to guide and nourish you to realize your full potential.
NOURISH — Receive your Gift for yourself first, This crucial step is often overlooked and is missing in all aspects of our education systems and Western culture. Learning to nourish from and fill-up with our innate gift/power/strength is the difference between a master and a novice. In this Phase, you learn to turn-inward and Recycle and harness all the brilliant, powerful aspects of yourself that you naturally carry, and allow the essence of your being to continually fill you up and in with all the resources you require. This step gives you the innate knowing of your value and worth magnetizing to you the opportunities you desire. Feel the buds of your fruits forming. Gain Insghts into the right froms and ways to Share.
SHARE — Share from Overflow. Once the internal Resourcing is in place we begin to feel deeply Inspired, overflow with our innate Gift and share it in effortless balance and sustainability. We naturally start to bear fruit and SHARE from our Inspiration. Learning to share from overflow teaches you how to listen to your Gift and let it guide you through the in’s and out’s of Sharing Your Gift With The World. In this phase, you learn who is ready for your Gift and HOW, WHEN and WHERE to share. Learn discernment.
COMPLETION — Develop the biological movement sequencing of taking an impulse and following it all the way through. Develop the Pattern of Completion in your neurology. Feel supported, sustained, fed, guided and resourced all the way through. Ride the energy of creation as it supports and fortifies you in your Innovation. Once you have the experience of Completion you can draw on it as Knowing, before during and after, giving you the clarity and confidence to stay centered, in your Involution, and trust the flow, no matter where it goes.
Your Guide